We rented a 40ft high cube shipping container for temporary secure, dry storage for our tools and materials while we build our house, finally freeing up our truck bed!
It's been a busy week with lots of development on the land, plus my first hands-on experience with a sawmill!
We decided to use the wood chips from last week's chipping to spread on our land to make some nice hiking trails - but it's a slow process!
Building our dream home is going to take us a long time, but we've been chipping away at it - literally!
We rented a Vermeer BC900XL brush chipper to see how quickly we could process our slash and log piles - can it really chip 9" logs?
This week we picked up our brand new Kubota tractor and set to work immediately to clear some fallen trees on our property.
We take to the trails across our land to clear some fallen trees, and see what discoveries we might find!
The land is ours and now the hard work starts. Our first project is to clear a road so that we can drive our truck onto the property.
Find out how we bought 40 acres of raw land in central Vermont, and how we plan to build our dream home all by ourselves!
In our search for land, we always knew to expect ups and downs, and we just had our first big disappointment.